Say Goodbye to Data Overwhelm. And Hello to a Customized, Secure,
One-Stop Solution.

Built by Us.
Tailored for You.

No two businesses are exactly the same, which is why no two 601 dashboards are either. Have all of the tools you need and use often without the distraction and overwhelm of the data you don’t. Together we co-create a custom, fully cloud-based data warehouse that is scalable, system agnostic and set up specifically to help you reach your organization’s goals.

One Place. All the Answers.

Welcome to “Full Picture” where data is aggregated to one single source, operating at the same speeds, and with a central location to see it all holistically (conflicting info and lagging reports, not welcome). And did we mention it’s system agnostic? **cue the big sigh of relief**

Up-to-Date Stats
and Reporting

Things move fast … and it’s just gonna keep getting faster. So, we built tech that keeps up and allows you to improve business operations in real time. That means easy access to historical data to set realistic and measurable goals, and on-demand visibility into how you are performing in the present. Buckle up, this is gonna be fun!

Intelligent + Actionable

Customer Insight

Is it possible to know your customer too well? (Don’t answer that) 601 Analytics clients have a wealth of data and insights to help with everything from quickly characterizing customer habits to variability factors that affect high or low attendance games, as well as client satisfaction and actionable insights to improve relationships — and revenue.



601 Analytics tech combines AI with “human speak” so that decision makers at every level, and in every department, can understand. This allows for more eyes and insight into previously unnoticed patterns and integrates past, present & future with specific and holistic data gathering and analysis. Kinda’ like a crystal ball, but better.

Not Just a Tool.


When we say “we get it,” it’s not marketing speak. We are a team of data scientists, strategists, developers, and others who are all industry experts. We have a deep-niche knowledge of the sports and events business and know what it means to need the right numbers, right away, to drive your business forward. These services include:

  • Product updates
  • Dashboard + report creation
  • On-demand training + coding sessions
  • Documentation of best practices + processes
  • System maintenance + integration
  • And more!

Your Data. Your Cloud.

Complete Data
Privacy and

601 Analytics can do everything needed to bring your dashboards to life, without ever losing control of your data. No uploading into a vendor’s cloud shared by their other customers. Our data analytics platform runs entirely within your cloud instance, an approach unique to 601 Analytics that anticipates meeting the highest security compliance standards for now… and the future.

601 Dashboard
Exclusive Features Include:

Your Favorite
Software? Yeah,
We Know Them.

Our platform is built to seamlessly (and painlessly) sync with other top-rated business software. We are also proud to be a Microsoft and Ticketmaster Nexus partner.